model of honesty and credibility the 7th puyang city moral model | bie xinyun: sincere to the world, faithful to the world-j9九游国际真人

 model of honesty and credibility the 7th puyang city moral model | bie xinyun: sincere to the world, faithful to the world-j9九游国际真人
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henan dongfanglong machine manufacture co.,ltd was founded on 1999, with the location of the intersection of 106 national high way and jintian road, east industries areas of puyang, henan, china. we have more than 15 years of experience of producing, developing and selling tubing coupling,casing coupling,pup joints,tool joints,and so on. we have the iso 9001 quality control certificate, api - 5ct certificate.
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model of honesty and credibility the 7th puyang city moral model | bie xinyun: sincere to the world, faithful to the world

2023/3/28 viewers:

before starting their own businesses, bie xinyun and her husband du wenhua were both employees of zhongyuan oilfield. in the eyes of ordinary families, these days were comfortable enough, but they had higher life goals. in 1999, bie xinyun and his wife went out of state-owned enterprises to operate overseas, raised funds to purchase advanced equipment, recruited professional and technical personnel, and established puyang dongfanglong machinery co., ltd. with excellent product quality and good market reputation, in just a few years, cooperative customers have spread across major oil fields such as zhongyuan, dagang, jidong, xinjiang, shaanxi, etc. in 2012, with an investment of 120 million yuan, the company took the lead in settling in pudong industrial cluster in puyang city. it only took two years, and its products were exported to more than 30 countries and regions such as the united states, south korea, russia, and venezuela.

bie xinyun said, "great credit leads to great development, while small credit leads to small development. without credit, it is difficult to develop. what our enterprise can develop to today is this honesty and trustworthiness, which can be said to be the lifeline of our enterprise."

in february 2012, dongfanglong machinery manufacturing company responded to the government's call to relocate the pudong industrial cluster, which has greatly affected production. it is difficult to carry out a large amount of production in a short time, and some orders cannot be delivered on time. however, biexinyun still decided to deliver the products on time. while working hard to complete the installation and commissioning of the equipment after the relocation, she contacted surrounding enterprises to assist in production.

zhu ximei, general manager of henan central engine baolong pipe industry co., ltd.: sister xinyun is a very trustworthy person. over the years, our products have never been rushed, and we have always been able to provide them in a timely manner. we have enjoyed our cooperation.

don't xinyun: "as the saying goes, 'a promise is worth a thousand gold', we must be honest and trustworthy, and combine knowledge and action."

in 2020, the sudden outbreak of the epidemic disrupted the development and deployment of dongfanglong machinery manufacturing company. due to the impact of the epidemic, many domestic and foreign enterprises that cooperated with it stopped production, resulting in a sharp decline in the company's business volume. employees said that performance rewards and sales commissions could be slowly cashed out when funds were not tight, but bie xinyun still insisted on giving everyone the money.

employee of henan dongfanglong machinery manufacturing co., ltd.: "i have moved from the company to the industrial park here. don't always face difficulties and never owe us any salary. we all trust her very much."

bie xinyun often says that as a physical manufacturing enterprise, it is particularly important to attach importance to the integrity construction of the enterprise, and quality integrity is the lifeline of an enterprise. she attaches great importance to the independent research and development and innovation of products, and has established domestic and foreign technical service platforms. many of the company's products have been rated as "henan province famous brand products". henan dongfanglong machinery manufacturing co., ltd. has been rated as "integrity enterprise" by the municipal government for five consecutive years.